Transforming Procurement for Modern Enterprises

Streamline, simplify, and supercharge your procurement process with Corvis

Key Features

The fastest and most user-friendly RFx platform ever made.

The Problem

Business users often use emails or complicated buying software so complex and restrictive, they end up using emails and attachments for almost all of their RFx-related communications. Corvis intuitive interface and no-training-required aproach allows you to focus on achieving the best outcomes.

Why Corvis?


Great outcomes start with deeper evaluations

Analyze your bids with ease

Engage evaluators and customize access levels

Compare apples to apples (via structured re-quest forms)

Automatic scoring of proposals

Digital scorecards that capture scores, comments, and notes multiple phases of evaluation


Gain visibility into all sourcing projects

See upcoming and planned procurements

Optimize category planning and future investments

Get clear perspective on planning and forecasting,

Better prioritize projects for the wider business


Built-in collaboration at every step

Interact with vendors, do Q&A sessions, send reminders, discuss projects, and more

Get in-app and email notifications

Receive alerts when intake requests are submitted & received, when projects are completed, and when milestones are approaching or due


Cost Reduction

Reduce cost by 10% to 30%. Reduce tender cycle and effort. Get competitive prices from vendors

Risk Reduction

Reduce fraud and corruption. Manage vendor related risks

Customers can setup and mandate procurement process and approval workflow to eliminate unauthorized purchases. The process can be setup and managed by clients with our easy to use Workflow Management module

Variety and Quality

Get access to thousands of vendors and select the best

CORVIS provide access to reliable suppliers with performance history. Customers can quickly spot and assess new suppliers, rapidly onboard them, and gain a 360-degree view of all supplier-related data including performance and risk in a single platform. Dark Purchasing Purchases that are made outside the defined procurement process

Time Savings

Reduce time it takes to make a new purchase by 50%

CORVIS automates most of the source-to-pay process, reducing time it takes to complete most sourcing task from days to hours. SME-s can save around 800 hours per year with CORVIS.


Get a clear view into how the procurement process are done. Track and manage team and vendor performance

CORVIS provides complete spend visibility and data-driven insights. With all information in one space, insights are only couple clicks away.

About Us

We’re building software that helps you spend smarter without working harder. That’s a big problem to solve. Interested in what inspired us to take on this challenge? Looking to help out?